Saying You’re “Self-Made” is Small Dick Energy
The author's grandfather; quick to tell you to work hard but also quick to help you do it. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the idea of being “self-made.” Of boot-strapping your way to the American dream, the rarity of that accomplishment, and the celebration one is entitled to when it’s achieved. It always niggles at the back of my mind around an election year, as once again these narratives become vital as candidates trot out their accomplishments and try to justify the absurd idea that they are best-suited to run a whole goddamn country. And who can blame them for trying to sell that self-made narrative? It’s undoubtedly more impressive if someone has started with nothing and clawed their way to success. Who wouldn’t trust someone’s judgement if they’ve made something of themselves against all odds and with just a good idea and lots of hard work? But we should ask how many of those stories truly exist, and how many of them ever did? Saying you’re self-made in this count